The Biodiversity Commission protects and conserves floral biodiversity, with a focus on native species. We do this through:

  • Innovative research that contributes to IUCN’s list of endangered species
  • Setting up micro-reserves and other municipal lands that protect biodiversity
  • Creating the first Mobile Botanic Garden for schools and visitors to learn about Lebanon’s floral native species

Impact: Promoting conservation through scientific research and biodiversity protection


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Biodiversity Scientific Research

4 publications

Started 2016: Conducting research on floral biodiversity in degraded and exposed ecosystems. Various researches on ecosystems and endangered species was piloted, few of which were submitted to IUCN – Redlist.

Partners: IUCN.

Floral Art Museum

More than 250 Artists, 3 Museums

Started 2018: Engaging artists in a project to advocate floral biodiversity and educate the general public about native floral species of Lebanon, with a final goal of establishing a Floral Art Museum that will be a cultural hub displaying between 2000 and 3000 original paintings of Lebanese native flora. Its an ongoing project, where 80 paintings are drawn so far. The project will be officially launched upon the adoption of the Ministry of Culture.

Partners: Painters, Municipalities.

Green Hand Botanic Garden

A long term main goal of Green Hand. GHBG aims to promote at the national level the global experience of botanical gardens in its various dimensions. The GHBG will serve the scientific motive and background in nature conservation and nature-oriented research on the flora of Lebanon. It will equally place the scientific realization in a public exposure permitting the intellectual, cultural, and social integration in future use as well as architectural, artistic and landscaping distinctiveness in establishment.

Libanticum Fiesta

80 floral art drawings, more than 2,500 general public

Year 2014: Conducting a festival to bring the richness of the Lebanese nature to the spot light through emphasising the general public on the 105 floral significant species that are named after Lebanon or regions of Lebanon. The festival engaged artists, photographers, lecturers, experts, musicians, producers, craftsmen, nurseries and many more over a period of three days.

Mobile Green Hand Botanic Garden

More than 700 students & more than 10000 general public

Started 2017: Creating an educational tool that promotes floral biodiversity. The unique aspect of mobility allows the mGHBG to reach the younger generation and the general public as opposed to having a fixed location that requires people to travel to. This patent project is composed of a bus that was ecologically transformed to a botanical garden the show cases around 100 species of native plants of Lebanon. The actual visionary experience is combined with interactive educational extra-curricular activities that allows the students to learn through hands on experience (targeting students from preschool stage till high school). The mGHBG is also a tool to promote native species landscape in municipal public lands.

Partners: IUCN, MAVA Foundation, Aley Municipality, Private Sector.


A tool for Conservation

Funding / Investment is required


From 2017: Promoting micro-reserves in different areas as a tool for conservation of endangered natural flora of Lebanon, especially endemic or patrimonial species. As an example, a micro-reserve is being established in Falougha to conserve the Iris sofarana – an IUCN red-listed specie. This goes hand in hand in scientific assessments of the degradation factors, habitat and accompanying species. Moreover, advocacy campaign is being carried on to engage the general public.

Partners: Municipalities, Ford Motor Company.

Urban Reserves

An integrated Management For Conservation

Funding / Investment is required

Connecting key biodiversity patches in urban areas in an integrated management plan, to create protected areas that conserve biodiversity while allowing the public to be more interactive and play a role in the protection process. Encouragement of the public will be through establishing recreational activities, reviving cultural heritage programs and traditional practices towards mainstreaming sustainable value chains for the surrounding communities.

Partners: Ministry of Environment, Municipalities, IUCN, Private Sector.